Weather 2010


These charts shows average and maximal-minimal. temperatures (and absulute maximals and minimals) at Bratislava Airport, 50km from Trnava.For Trnava region we can count 1 or 2 degrees lower minimums, but the weather is in general same.



Precipitation in year 2010 was 1036mm (west slovakian average) -Most rainy year in history of observation!!!

Mean monthly areal precipitation total calculated by the isohyetal method from western slovakian stations at the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute (SHMÚ) for the Western slovakia 2011 (millimeters R[mm] and percentages of normal R[%], data elaborated by P.Faško from SHMÚ).


Mesiac/ R[mm]-ZS/WS R[%]-ZS/WS
XII.2010 57 108
XI.2010 79 134
X.2010 30 55
IX.2010 108 204
VIII.2010 130 206
VII.2010 91 125
VI.2010 119 175
V.2010 200 299
IV.2010 85 177
III.2010 24 56
II.2010 45 118
I.2010 68 162
Summary 1036